Dziff, a friend of mine, has chosen to work on an animated short movie project for the end of her art studies. Since the story was about video games, solitude and addiction, I had no choice but to offer her my help when I heard she was looking for some chiptune-like music. This is called Pig Island.

The first part of the soundtrack is by Gorillaz. The second part is by me.

Her personal page can be found here.

The full length version of what we need is a warp zone is available at bandcamp for your listening (dis)pleasure. Yeah, it's been out for a while now, but I was too busy being happy to mention it. This song is the second track of crappy songs for crappy people.

This was mostly made with a Kaossilator plugged into a Mini Kaoss Pad plugged into a Kaossilator Pro plugged into FL Studio 9. I have to thank (a lot) my great old friend Varman, who offered me a Xenyx 502 mixer. It was the perfect tool for tweaking the volume before sampling stuff with the Kaossilator Pro.

I should also mention this song is dedicated to someone with unmatched magic powers.

I've no idea when the rest of the album will be released. Thus I'm really becoming addicted to Korg's stuff: I'm now the owner of an Electribe SX-1 SD. This is indeed an awesome machine, but my latest efforts produced quite brutal techno and pseudodubtep which don't really fit with what I had in mind for the album.

And please note: don't be fooled by the picture. The Electribe isn't red. It's PINK. Undoubtedly, definitely, motherfuckingly PINK. So yeah, she's a girl, but a dirty one, with a nasty set of raw, lovely effects.

I just wish the manual wasn't in GERMAN.
